Di kesempatan ini, Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah, Ahli-Ahli Lembaga Pengarah, PIhak Pengurusan serta pegawai dan kakitangan Darussalam Holdings Sendirian Berhad ingin mengucapkan Eid Mubarak Selamat Hari Raya Aidilifitri kepada seluruh umat Islam dimana jua berada. Semoga Allah memberikan berkat dan rahmat kepada kita semua. "Kulla Am Wa Antum Bikhair"
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
News Article
Underpriviledged families receive donations

By Ishan Ibrahim
Some 120 family members received donations at the Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque recently. The event was jointly organized by Darussalam Holdings and Muslimah Prihatin Group.
In A welcoming address made by Dyg Hajah Sufinah binti Haji Sahat, Assistant Managing Director of Darussalam Holdings, she highlighted the second Charity Project Al Birr Wa Taqwa of Darussalam Holdings started last year and was carried out again this week when they visited underpriviledged families from Brunei Muara, Tutong and Belait Districts and gave donations in the form of clothes, foodstuffs, other household items and money.
She also took the opportunity to express her appreciation to Suara Harapan, Kristal FM and teachers from Sultan Saiful Rijal Technical College who helped in making the programme a success.
A religious lecture was delivered by Ustaz Haji Noralizam bin Haji Aliakbar from Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College.
Monday, 23 August 2010
Break Fast with Underpriviledged Families
21st August 2010, Darussalam Holdings Sdn Bhd with the cooperation of Sounds of Hope, Muslimah Group and Jame' Asr Hassanil Mosque organized a religious talk followed by break fast "Sungkai" with about 120 family members from underpriviledged families.
In the welcoming remarks made by Puan Hajah Sufinah Haji Sahat, the Assistant Managing Director of Darussalam Holdings Sdn Bhd, she urged everyone to make full use of the holy month of Ramdhan by performing religious obligations as a Muslim and to strengthen it further by performing additional prayers adn doing good deeds such as helping the needy and attending religious such as the one being organized.
The objective of the event was to invite members from the underpriviledged families and highlight the importance of Ramadhan and even when living in poor conditions does not mean that they could not or should not perform their religious obligations and continue to worship Allah.
The religious talk was given by YM Ustaz Haji Noralizam bin Haji Aliakbar from the Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College. After the religious talk, Puan Hajah Sufinah along with representative from Sounds of Hope and Muslimah Group consented to present donations to the underpriviledged families.
The event then continued with breaking of fast followed by Magrib prayers, Isya' prayers and Terawih prayers. Packed food for "Sahur" was also distributed to the family members at the end of the evening.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
News Article (Al Birr Wa Taqwa Charity Project, 2010)
Four underprivileged families in Belait District receive donation
By Liza Mohd
Four underprivileged families yesterday morning received contributions from the Darussalam Holdings Company Sdn Bhd in collaboration with the Sultan Saiful Rizal Technical College.The contributions were taken to the residences of the needy families by a group comprising officers and staff of Darussalam Holdings led by its Managing Director Haji Mahmud bin Haji Mohamed, who presented the donations that came in the form of daily food supplies and cash.
Also joining the group was Assistant Director of Darussalam Holdings, Dayang Hajah Sufinah binti Haji Sahat.The donations were made under the Amal Al Birr Wa Taqwa project run by Darussalam Holding's Human Resource and Corporate Department.The project which has entered its second year is aimed at assisting low-income and destitute families in the country.
The donations are also carried out in conjunction with the holy Ramadhan and Syawal month, so as to ease the burden of the underprivileged families during the fasting month as well as celebrating Hari Raya.The first family visited by the group was that of 69-year-old Awang Maidin bin Rimba, who stays with 10 other family members including his wife Dayang Midah Matanim, 57, their eight-year-old son who has never been to school and three grandchildren, the youngest being a year old. The family is staying near the Kampong Sungai Teraban river bank in a dilapidated house.
The group then headed to the residence of Awang Sahari bin Dullah, 72, who is currently staying with his wife, Dayang Fatimah Manan, 78, and their daughter who is suffering from mental illness and also their 14-year-old granddaughter studying at Perdana Wazir Secondary School.The family has no proper income apart from receiving old-age pension and welfare assistance amounting to $750 a month for a period of two years. The assistance will expire this October. The house they live in is also in a bad condition with the bridge leading to the house on the verge of collapsing.
The group later visited the home of Dayang Sainah binti Muhd Yusof who is staying alone at Kampong Baru Jalan Sungai Bera in Seria. She is currently suffering from mental illness and has no siblings.Finally, the group headed to the residence of Awang Japar bin Aran at Kampong Jalan Jerambak Seria. He is staying in a dilapidated house with 26 other family members. He only earns a meagre income and cannot afford to support all his dependants as well as to carry out repairs, as floodwaters constantly enter his home during heavy rains thus causing more damage to the house.
News Article (Al Birr Wa Taqwa Charity Project, 2010)
Lending a helping hand to those in need
A convoy of vehicles bringing donations reached the homes of the needy and the underprivileged around the Brunei-Muara District yesterday to help ease their hardship during the holy month of Ramadhan.
By Azaraimy HH
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The donations, which will continue today in the Tutong District and Belait District, is organised by Darussalam Holdings Sdn Bhd (DHSB), a state-owned company under its "Amal Al Birr Wa Taqwa" project. The project began last year and DHSB hopes to organise it every year. The project is also assisted by students and staff of Maktab Teknik Sultan Saiful Rijal (MTSSR), who had earlier helped to collect donations for the project.
MTSSR helped to collect donations such as toys, food supplies and clothing from various department staff members as well as students of the college. Haji Mahmud bin Haji Mohamed, Managing Director of Darussalam Holdings said the "Amal Al Birr Wa Taqwa" project now in its second year is an annual activity organised by the company, and was initially aimed at providing assistance to orphans.
However, it was found that the welfare of orphans in the Sultanate remains at a healthy level as the government and many private firms as well as individuals continue to monitor their well being. With information gathered from the Community Development Department and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Darussalam Holdings Sdn Bhd chose the needy and under privileged in the Brunei-Muara District to be the beneficiaries.
The project aims to widen its reach to include all four districts this year and bring the "Amal Al Birr Wa Taqwa" project to the attention of the masses as it seeks to raise involvement of the public as seen with the participation of MTSSR. This year, DHSB has selected eight families from the Brunei-Muara District, two from Tutong and four families from the Belait District to be the recipients of the donations. Their names were gathered from a list compiled by the Community Development Department, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and the "Sound of Hope" project.
Started in 2009, the "Amal Al Birr Wa Taqwa" is an annual project organised by Darussalam Holdings in the holy month of Ramadhan and Syawal and is aimed at providing support to underprivileged individuals and families with basic necessities.
News Article (Al Birr Wa Taqwa Charity Project, 2010)
8 families receive aid from DHSB charity project
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
As part of its efforts to help the underprivileged families in the country, the Darussalam Holdings Sdn Bhd (DHSB) is organising a three-day campaign to hand out contribution to families in Brunei-Muara, Tutong and Belait districts.
The humanitarian effort is DHSB's "Al Birri Wa Taqwa" project which started last year.
For this second project, the 14 families were chosen by DHSB after reviewing registered lists of people in need from "Sounds of Hope", a non-governmental organisation, and the Social Welfare branch at Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (Ripas) Hospital.
Eight of the selected families in the Brunei-Muara district received the contribution yesterday.
The contribution in the form of cash, groceries, clothing, beds and some housekeeping materials were handed over by DHSB Managing Director Hj Mahmud Hj Mohamed.
A representative of DHSB, Hj Samsul explained the criteria which have to be met before donations were handed over.
He said that the recipients would have houses deemed unsafe; be a single mother or father with several children; have mental disorders or diseases and or an income that does not cover basic family health.
In a recent interview with DHSB Managing Director, he said that originally the project was to help orphans in the Sultanate, but it was later changed to help impoverish families instead considering that a lot of donations have being given to orphans but not many for the underprivileged families.
Hj Mahmud also said that response from the public and organisations towards the "Al Birri Wa Taqwa" project has been great. He added that the project was organised in conjunction with Ramadhan and Syawal.
"We also want the families to celebrate the purity of Ramadhan and the beauty of Syawal," he said in the interview. The managing director invited members of the public who wish to contribute to contact the DHSB's Human Resource Department to get more information on the project.
Also joining in on the charity campaign yesterday was some 17 representatives from Sultan Saiful Rijal Technical College (MTSSR), comprising 11 students, five lecturers and an Assistant Head of Department.
Asked of the students' response to their involvement in the campaign, Masfarizawati Hj Aminuddin, MTSSR Marketing and Hospitality lecturer said that to her surprise, the students remained excited throughout all the eight visits.
"I thought they would get tired, but they didn't".
She added, "Some even said they had culture shock! They did not know that we had people living in such poverty here. It was surely an eye opener for them, and I think it will help them work harder for themselves and their families".
Masfarizawati added that MTSSR is planning on helping out again next year.
Today DHSB will present the donation to a family in Tutong district, while four others in the Belait district will receive theirs tomorrow.
The Brunei Times
The humanitarian effort is DHSB's "Al Birri Wa Taqwa" project which started last year.
For this second project, the 14 families were chosen by DHSB after reviewing registered lists of people in need from "Sounds of Hope", a non-governmental organisation, and the Social Welfare branch at Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (Ripas) Hospital.
Eight of the selected families in the Brunei-Muara district received the contribution yesterday.
The contribution in the form of cash, groceries, clothing, beds and some housekeeping materials were handed over by DHSB Managing Director Hj Mahmud Hj Mohamed.
A representative of DHSB, Hj Samsul explained the criteria which have to be met before donations were handed over.
He said that the recipients would have houses deemed unsafe; be a single mother or father with several children; have mental disorders or diseases and or an income that does not cover basic family health.
In a recent interview with DHSB Managing Director, he said that originally the project was to help orphans in the Sultanate, but it was later changed to help impoverish families instead considering that a lot of donations have being given to orphans but not many for the underprivileged families.
Hj Mahmud also said that response from the public and organisations towards the "Al Birri Wa Taqwa" project has been great. He added that the project was organised in conjunction with Ramadhan and Syawal.
"We also want the families to celebrate the purity of Ramadhan and the beauty of Syawal," he said in the interview. The managing director invited members of the public who wish to contribute to contact the DHSB's Human Resource Department to get more information on the project.
Also joining in on the charity campaign yesterday was some 17 representatives from Sultan Saiful Rijal Technical College (MTSSR), comprising 11 students, five lecturers and an Assistant Head of Department.
Asked of the students' response to their involvement in the campaign, Masfarizawati Hj Aminuddin, MTSSR Marketing and Hospitality lecturer said that to her surprise, the students remained excited throughout all the eight visits.
"I thought they would get tired, but they didn't".
She added, "Some even said they had culture shock! They did not know that we had people living in such poverty here. It was surely an eye opener for them, and I think it will help them work harder for themselves and their families".
Masfarizawati added that MTSSR is planning on helping out again next year.
Today DHSB will present the donation to a family in Tutong district, while four others in the Belait district will receive theirs tomorrow.
The Brunei Times
News Article (Al Birr Wa Taqwa Charity Project, 2010)
Staff of Darussalam Holdings packing items donated by MTSSR for the 'Al Birri Wa Taqwa' which will be distributed to selected families tomorrow. Picture: BT/Rasidah Hj Abu Bakar
DHSB's project to help families in need
Rasidah HAB
Sunday, August 15, 2010
DARUSSALAM Holdings Sdn Bhd (DHSB) is extending its "Al Birri Wa Taqwa", (welfare and piety) project this year to six impoverished families in Tutong and Belait districts, and plans to expand it further to Temburong district next year.
The managing director Hj Mahmud Hj Mohamed said that the decision to extend the project was due to the great success of the project last year which helped more than 10 families in Brunei-Muara district.
The second project will see fourteen families in three districts Brunei-Muara, Tutong and Belait receive contribution from DHSB as well as other organisations and individuals.
When DHSB started the project last year ,they were only able to help families in Brunei-Muara district. These families received daily necessities such as rice, canned foods, drinks as well as clothing.
Hj Mahmud said that the selection of families was based on a list provided by the Department of Community Development (Japem), Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and from a non-profit organisation, Sounds of Hope. "We learned our lesson from last year. Last year, the names were given to us (by Japem) and we gave the families the contribution without checking (their status). This year we went to their homes and assess for ourselves the situation of the families. We will give to those who need the help most," he said.
Originally the project was to help the orphans, but it was later changed to help impoverish families instead considering that a lot of donations are being received by orphans but not many for poor families.
The distribution of the donation in Brunei-Muara district will be made tomorrow for families in Kg Bukit Salat, Kg Subok, Kg Anggerek Desa, Kg Lumapas, Kg Bengkurong Masin and Kg Mulaut.
Presentation of the contribution for recipients in Tutong and Belait is scheduled to be held on August 17. However,Hj Mahmud said, if they are not able to make all the visits on Tuesday, the visit will continue the following day.
Asked on the response from the public and organisations towards the project, the managing director said that it has been great.
By taking advantage of radio (Kristal FM) and print media, Hj Mahmud said, they were able to convey their message to the masses.
"We are more open (in using radio and print media) to spread the project. The involvement of Sultan Saiful Rijal Technical College (MTSSR) showed that our approach is successful," he said.
"We also received contributions from other organisations and individuals who send the items directly to DHSB, but they are not publicised."
For further information on how to donate, Hj Mahmud advised members of the public to contact the DHSB's Human Resource department.
"The country, known for its wealth and always looking after the welfare of its people, do have impoverished families and some of them are not able to send their children to school," he said.
Hj Mahmud added: "Our project creates a huge impact on me and on all the staff of DHSB that it motivates us to continue with this project (in addition to our daily tasks)."
He said that the project was organised in conjunction with Ramadhan and Syawal, as one's good virtue would be rewarded greatly. "We also want the families to celebrate the purity of Ramadhan and the beauty of Syawal," he added.
The contribution from MTSSR to "Al-Birr Wa Taqwa" project was part of the college's initiative to make meaningful contribution to the community, said the college acting principal yesterday.
Habib Mohamad Hj Wan Junaidi said MTSSR should take every opportunity and initiative to help the community. The college has been active in supporting activities involving community service and charity events over the years. Donations such as toys, food supplies and clothing were collected from various departments' staff and student to support the the project's good cause.
He said response from the students were encouraging when it was opened for one week from August 6 to 13.
The managing director Hj Mahmud Hj Mohamed said that the decision to extend the project was due to the great success of the project last year which helped more than 10 families in Brunei-Muara district.
The second project will see fourteen families in three districts Brunei-Muara, Tutong and Belait receive contribution from DHSB as well as other organisations and individuals.
When DHSB started the project last year ,they were only able to help families in Brunei-Muara district. These families received daily necessities such as rice, canned foods, drinks as well as clothing.
Hj Mahmud said that the selection of families was based on a list provided by the Department of Community Development (Japem), Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and from a non-profit organisation, Sounds of Hope. "We learned our lesson from last year. Last year, the names were given to us (by Japem) and we gave the families the contribution without checking (their status). This year we went to their homes and assess for ourselves the situation of the families. We will give to those who need the help most," he said.
Originally the project was to help the orphans, but it was later changed to help impoverish families instead considering that a lot of donations are being received by orphans but not many for poor families.
The distribution of the donation in Brunei-Muara district will be made tomorrow for families in Kg Bukit Salat, Kg Subok, Kg Anggerek Desa, Kg Lumapas, Kg Bengkurong Masin and Kg Mulaut.
Presentation of the contribution for recipients in Tutong and Belait is scheduled to be held on August 17. However,Hj Mahmud said, if they are not able to make all the visits on Tuesday, the visit will continue the following day.
Asked on the response from the public and organisations towards the project, the managing director said that it has been great.
By taking advantage of radio (Kristal FM) and print media, Hj Mahmud said, they were able to convey their message to the masses.
"We are more open (in using radio and print media) to spread the project. The involvement of Sultan Saiful Rijal Technical College (MTSSR) showed that our approach is successful," he said.
"We also received contributions from other organisations and individuals who send the items directly to DHSB, but they are not publicised."
For further information on how to donate, Hj Mahmud advised members of the public to contact the DHSB's Human Resource department.
"The country, known for its wealth and always looking after the welfare of its people, do have impoverished families and some of them are not able to send their children to school," he said.
Hj Mahmud added: "Our project creates a huge impact on me and on all the staff of DHSB that it motivates us to continue with this project (in addition to our daily tasks)."
He said that the project was organised in conjunction with Ramadhan and Syawal, as one's good virtue would be rewarded greatly. "We also want the families to celebrate the purity of Ramadhan and the beauty of Syawal," he added.
The contribution from MTSSR to "Al-Birr Wa Taqwa" project was part of the college's initiative to make meaningful contribution to the community, said the college acting principal yesterday.
Habib Mohamad Hj Wan Junaidi said MTSSR should take every opportunity and initiative to help the community. The college has been active in supporting activities involving community service and charity events over the years. Donations such as toys, food supplies and clothing were collected from various departments' staff and student to support the the project's good cause.
He said response from the students were encouraging when it was opened for one week from August 6 to 13.
The donation was handed over by the acting principal to DHSB managing director, Hj Mahmud Hj Mohamed at the college's Student Resource Centre yesterday.The Brunei Times
Sambungan Gambar Projek Amal II
Haji Mahmud (Pengarah Urusan) menyerahkan sumbangan kepada salah seorang penerima di Daerah Tutong
Salah seorang penerima di Daerah Belait. Bersyukur diatas bantuan yang diberikan.
Warga emas di Daerah Belait, turut mendapat bantuan
Gambar Projek Amal Al Birr Wa Taqwa II, 2010
Sebuah rumah di Sangai-Sangai Masin yang sudah usang
Wakil dari MTSSR menyerahkan sumbangan derma hasil kutipan
dari para penuntut dan tenaga pengajar MTSSR
Terharu dengan bantuan yang diberikan
Projek Amal Al Birr Wa Taqwa II, 2010
Alhamdulillah, sekali lagi Projek Amal Al Birr Wa Taqwa telah dapat diungkayahkan dengan jayanya pada tahun ini. Persiapan bagi projek tersebut telah bermula sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu dengan kerjasama daripada para ahli jawatankuasa projek yang telah dilantik dan juga para pegawai dan kakitangan DHSB yang lain.
Pada tahun ini, projek tersebut telah dijalankan pada 16 dan 17hb Ogos 2010 bersamaan dengan 5 dan 6 Ramadhan 1431H. Sebanyak 14 buah keluarga telah dikenalpasti iaitu 8 keluarga dari Daerah Brunei Muara, 2 keluarga dari Daerah Tutong dan 4 keluarga dari Daerah Belait.
Sebagai makluman bersama, Projek Amal Al Birr Wa Taqwa ini merupakan sebuah projek amal tahunan yang dikendalikan oleh Darussalam Holdings Sendirian Berhad khususnya di bulan Ramadhan. Tujuan projek ini diadakan ialah bagi membantu para keluarga dan individu yang hidup dalam kemiskinan.Bantuan yang diberikan adalah berbentuk barang keperluan dapur seperti beras, gula dan pelbagai jenis makanan lain, pakaian, peralatan sekolah dan juga wang tunai.
Alhamdulillah, pada tahun ini pihak DHSB telah mendapat banyak sumbangan dan sokongan bagi projek ini dan di kesempatan ini, kami ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Sounds of Hope, Kristal FM, Maktab Teknik Sultan Saiful Rijal, para penderma dan kepada semua yang terlibat, sama ada secara langunsung atau tidak dalam menjayakan projek amal ini. Semoga Allah memberikan balasan yang setimpal bagi amal kebajikan kita. Amin.
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Sempena bulan Ramadhan yang mubarak ini, seluruh keluarga Darussalam Holdings Sendirian Berhad ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Ramadhan Kareem dan Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa kepada seluruh umat Islam dimana jua berada. Semoga segala amal ibadat kita di bulan yang mulia ini akan mendapat berkat dan rahmat dari Allah. Amin
Friday, 16 July 2010
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Leadership & Teambuilding Programme
On the 3rd and 4th of July, the Human Resource and Corporate Department of Darussalam Holdings organized a leadership and teambuilding programme for the management and staff of the organization.
The training programme was run by FMBrunei Consultancy service where they brought in 2 motivational speakers from Malaysia for the specially catered programme. First part of the programme was done on the 3rd of July 2010 where it was specifically designed for the Officer and Management Level of the organization. The Programme was called " Smart Leaders" Workshop.
While the second part of the programme involved almost everyone in the organization where the programme was called "Dream Team" Teambuilding Programme. Both event was a success, and Insya Allah similar programmes will be organized again and it is hoped that the teambuilding programme will be an annual event.
Pictures will be posted soon!
On the 30th of June 2010, Haji Mahmud bin Haji Mohamed, Managing Director of Darussalam Holdings received a prestigious award organized by Enterprise Asia. The award was for "Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award" of the Asia Pacific Entrepeneurship Award 2010. Brunei Darussalam.
The award was presented by The Honourable Minister of Industry and Primary Resources, Brunei Darussalam during the award giving ceremony held at the Grand Ball Room, Empire Hotel and Country Club.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
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